Graphic artist: Erdem Yücel
Graphic artist: Erdem Yücel

Welcome to the 3DTV Network of Excellence Web Page

3DTV is a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission 6th Framework Information Society Technologies Programme.

A consortium of 19 entities, led by Bilkent University, has been working on planning and conducting a 48-month project on 3DTV. The project is funded by EC and started on 1 September 2004. The primary goal of the team is to deal with all aspects of the 3DTV in an integrated manner. The team believes that the timing is perfect in terms of technological environment and consumer attitude and needs. More...

3DTV edited book, Three-Dimensional Television - Capture, Transmission, Display is published. The book is edited by H.M. Ozaktas and L. Onural and is published by Springer in Signals and Communication Technology series, and can be bought from the publisher's website.

You can download the flyer and the order form here.

3DTV-CON 2011: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, will be held on May 16-18 2011, in Antalya, Turkey.

3DTV-CON 2010: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, will be held on June 7-9 2010, in Tampere, Finland.

3DTV-CON'09: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, was held on May 04-06, 2009, Potsdam, Germany.

3DTV-CON'08: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, was held in May, 2008, Istanbul, Turkey.


1 Sep 2008 3DTV Project is a member of 3D Media Cluster.
1 Sep 2008 3DTV project was the headline of euronews program Futuris: From Scene to Screen. The airing schedule of the program (changes are possible in case of breaking news and other emergencies) in Central European Time is as follows:
Thursday 28th: 18:45, 01:45
Friday: 09:45, 13:45
Saturday: 06:45, 12:15, 17:45, 22:45
Sunday: 10:45, 14:45, 20:45
Monday: 09:15, 18:45, 01:45
Tuesday: 13:15, 18:15, 01:45
Wednesday: 10:15, 16:45, 02:45
The program will be available in all the eight languages on euronews website and on the euronews YouTube channel.
19 May 2008 The Consumer Market Survey on 3DTV is now published.
27 Mar 2008 Levent Onural has given a talk on Holographic 3DTV Research within the European 3DTV Project within Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (DH) Topical Meeting and Tabletop Exhibit on March 17-19, 2008, at St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.
13 Feb 2008 imcube Media won the business award "Multimedia" (2/2007) and the special award "Multimedia in Consumer Electronics" sponsored by LOEWE AG. The business award "Multimedia" is the highest award for a multimedia start-up in Germany.
imcube, which was founded by 3DTV participants (also TUB members), will receive the award at the CeBIT in Hannover on 5 March 2008. They will exhibit the 2D-3D conversion showing 3D-footage on a 32' 3D-display, at the TUB booth in hall 9 (Future Parc), stand B-39.
21 Jan 2008 More information on workshops on Patenting and Technology Transfer Issues, that will be held on 30 January 2008 can be found here.
18 Jan 2008 The GRM3, the workshops and the TC meetings will take place in Frankfurt, Germany. The schedule is as follows:
  • 28-29 January: TC Meetings
  • 30 January: Workshops on Patenting and Technology Transfer Issues
  • 31 January -1 February: GRM
  • 2 February: TC 4 Meeting
15 Oct 2007 Levent Onural will give a talk on Holographic 3-DTV Research within the European 3-DTV Project within Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (DH) Topical Meeting and Tabletop Exhibit on March 17-19, 2008, at St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.
6 Aug 2007 See the vision paper on 3DTV by Levent Onural.
3 Feb 2007 FhG-HHI has been selected as "Nominee for the European ICT Prize" with their 3D Center which presents ICT services on a High resolution 3D display and allows intuitive navigation via pointing gestures.
The European ICT Prize is the most prestigious Prize for innovative IST products. This year the highest number of applications in the history of the European ICT Prize is achieved: 450 applications from 30 countries. The proposals were evaluated by independent experts from 16 European countries, nominated by Euro-CASE, who selected 70 Prize Nominees.
Twenty Nominees for the European ICT Grand Prize will be selected among the 70 Prize Nominees.
2 Jan 2007 3DTV NoE had an exhibit named 3DTV - Integrated Three-Dimensional Television - Capture, Transmission and Display within the Research and Technology Stands of IST Event 2006. The IST 2006 Exhibition, which was open to the general public, showed concrete results of research in and around Europe within the field of information and communications technologies.
12 Sep 2006 Levent Onural talked about the 3DTV project as an invited speaker at ICO Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics/Information Photonics 2006, which was held in St.Petersburg, Russia on September, 2006.
9 Jul 2006 The 3DTV Conference 2007 will be he held at Kos Island, Greece on 7-9 May 2007. More information on the conference can be found at the conference web site. The call for papers is available here.
27 Jun 2006 Levent Onural gave a keynote speech on the state of the art and future directions in 3DTV at 1st Multimedia Communications Workshop: State of the Art and Future Directions which was held on Sunday, 11 June 2006 in Istanbul, Turkey.
8 Jun 2006 FogScreen has been nominated as one of the "top" three past European IST Innovation Award receivers.
8 Jun 2006 You can find a scan of the latest released article in "Der Tegespiegel" (Berlin's biggest and on of Germanys best established daily newspaper) about 3DTV (28 April 2006) through the Press page. Also an online version of the article is available.
10 May 2006 Some research positions are still open as of May 2006. Please see the Open Positions page.
15 Apr 2006 Some research positions are still open as of April 2006. Please see the Open Positions page.

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The 3DTV web site has been visited 2520168 times since 10.05.2005.
Web developer: Ayşe Küçükyılmaz
Comments to: aysekbilkent.edu.tr
Last Modified: 25.03.2008
© Copyright 2004-2006, Bilkent University