3DTV Graduate Course 3DTV Graduate Course

Editor: Haldun M. Ozaktas, Bilkent University, Ankara

A graduate course on 3DTV was prepared as a deliverable of Workpackage 14: Design of a New Graduate Course on Three-Dimensional Television, of the EC FP6 IST NoE: Integrated Three-Dimensional Television--Capture, Transmission and Display.

This effort was coordinated by Haldun M. Ozaktas with contributions by Levent Onural on shaping the outline and content of the course and determining appropriate contributors.

  • Editor's Introduction and Overview  [pdf]
  • Overview of 3DTV Technologies   [pdf]

    The course materials have been used at several institutions.

    The complete course, as designed, has been offered by Levent Onural at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. This served as a full trial run of the course. What was special about this offering was that most of the lectures were given by the actual contributors of each module, who travelled to Ankara for this purpose. Thus the students had the chance to learn the material from leading experts in each area.

    The course was also offered at several other institutions, who custom tailored and selected the material to meet the local needs of their students. In some cases parts of the material were selected and in others the material was embedded into another full course. This demonstrated the strength of the chosen modular approach. Since each module of the course was carefully designed to be self-complete, with their own references, notes, etc., it was easy for instructors to choose those appropriate to the needs of their target audience. Atanas Gotchev offered the course at Tampere University of Technology, Finland and Joern Ostermann at the University of Hannover, Germany. Hakan Ürey and Reha Civanlar made use of the material in two separate courses at Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey.

    Course Materials

    The following materials are available for most modules listed below:

    • References and/or course notes
    • Course presentation slides/transparencies
    • Speaker notes and/or references (unless embedded in course presentation)
    • Teaching notes by instructors
    • Additional study materials (optional)

    If you wish to access these materials but are not a member of the 3DTV NoE, please e-mail your request to Mr. Selami Atli from the 3DTV Project Management Office. Your request will be considered by the Project Management. If you are a member of the 3DTV NoE, click here to access the materials.


    Week 0 (1 hour)
    Contributors: Haldun Ozaktas and Levent Onural (1 hour)

    Title: Introduction and Overview

    Contents: General information on the course and the 3DTV Network of Excellence. Introductory overview of 3DTV technologies.

    Prerequisites: None.

    Week 1 (3 hours)
    Contributors: Vaclav Skala, Libor Vasa, Ivo Hanak, and Martin Janda (3 hours)

    Title: Basic Mathematics and Linear Algebra for Computer Graphics and Vision

    Contents: Fundamentals of algebra, vector and matrix operations. Implicit, explicit and parametric description of geometric primitives (points, lines, triangles etc.). Euclidian, affine and projective spaces, Cartesian, barycentric and homogeneous coordinates, coordinate systems (world coordinates, camera coordinates, device coordinates). Principle of duality. Points, vectors and frames. Geometric transformations in E2 and E3. Projective transformations. Stereo projection. Camera parameters and camera settings.

    Prerequisites: Basics linear algebra, programming skills in C/C++ or Java, basics of data structures.

    Weeks 2-3 (6 hours)
    Contributor: Aydın Alatan (6 hours)

    Title: Fundamentals on Extracting 3D Structure from Multi-view 2D Images

    Contents: Extracting 3D structure from multi-view 2D images. Determining correpondences between images: feature extraction, robust feature matching, finding dense correspondences. Determining 3D structure from image pairs: epipolar geometry, solving for F-matrix, E-matrix and 3D parameters, triangulation for depth estimation. Determining 3D structure from multiframes (video): bundle adjustment for multi-frames, factorization approaches, recursive methods based on Kalman filters.

    Prerequisites: No prerequisites are required for engineering students.

    Weeks 4-5 (6 hours)
    Contributor: Uğur Güdükbay (3 hours)

    Title: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Geometric Modeling and Animation

    Contents: Introduction to computer graphics. Geometric modeling: curves, surfaces, and solids. Usage of implicit and parametric surfaces for modeling and rendering (collision detection for animation purposes, ray-surface intersections for rendering, generating geometric primitives). Polygon mesh representations. Cubic curves and surfaces (Hermite, Bezier BSpline, etc.). Introduction to animation.

    Prerequisites: Basics linear algebra, programming skills in C/C++ or Java, basics of data structures.

    Contributor: Bülent Özgüç (3 hours)

    Title: Elements of Rendering

    Contents: Radiance, irradiance, image formation, BRDF, Lambert's cosine law. Object space rendering techniques (Gouraud shading, Phong shading etc.). Image space rendering techniques (ray tracing). Texture mapping, bump mapping, environment mapping.

    Prerequisites: Basics linear algebra, programming skills in C/C++ or Java, basics of data structures.

    Weeks 6-7 (6 hours)
    Contributor: Enis Çetin (3 hours)

    Title: Basic Principles of Digital Coding of Waveforms and Video Coding

    Contents: Basic principles of digital coding of waveforms, basic entropy, fundamentals of lossless and lossy compression. Transform domain data coding: discrete cosine transform (DCT), integer arithmetic based implementation of DCT, integer transform, KLT and wavelet transforms. Lifting implementation of the wavelet transform. Geometric coding. JPEG algorithm.

    Prerequisites: "Signals and Systems" or "Discrete-Time Signal Processing" and "Probability". A background in "Random Processes" is beneficial.

    Contributor: Gözde Bozdağı Akar (3 hours)

    Title: 2D and 3D Video Coding

    Contents: Basics of video compression. Popular video standards: H.263, H.264, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4. 3D video coding techniques (multichannel video coding, stereo video coding, mesh based coding etc.).

    Prerequisites: signal processing, image processing

    Week 8 (3 hours)
    Contributor: M. Reha Civanlar (3 hours)

    Title: 3DTV Transport

    Contents: Internet protocol stack overview. Basics of data transport. IP reliable transport, flow and congestion control. Multicast. Wireless networking issues. Multimedia transport over IP. Packet loss (resilience, recovery). Delay (buffer management). Review of the existing protocols and techniques. 3D video models and their transport over IP. Left/right views. Views and depth. Views and 3D models. Lightfields.

    Prerequisites: Basic networking and image coding.

    Weeks 9 (3 hours)
    Contributor: Haldun M. Ozaktas (3 hours)

    Title: Introduction to Fourier Optics

    Contents: Introduction to elementary ray and wave optics from a signals and systems viewpoint, plane-wave decompositions, diffraction, Fourier optics.

    Prerequisites: Exposure to elementary signals and systems is highly desirable but not absolutely necessary. Exposure to elementary wave propagation and optics is helpful but not essential.

    Weeks 10-11 (6 hours)
    Contributors: Atanas Gotchev, Karen Egiazarian, Moncef Gabbouj, and Levent Onural (6 hours)

    Title: Signal Processing Tools for 3DTV Related Issues

    Contents: Sampling higher dimensional signals. Sampling rate and geometry conversions (up-down sampling, conversion between rectangular and other periodic sampling geometries, conversion between rectangular and circular grids). Non-uniform sampling basics. Sinc, spline and polynomial based decimators and interpolators and their efficient realization. Plane-wave decomposition of propagating waves. 4D Fourier transform and its fast computation. Fast algorithms for multi-dimensional Hartley transforms, Fresnel transform, etc. Atomic decomposition and wavelets. Gabor waveletes, complex wavelets, ridgelets, curvelets, beamlets, brushlets, chirplets, fresnelets, etc. Multidimensional subband decomposition.

    Prerequisites: Basics of linear algebra: matrices, orthogonality, matrix inversion and pseudo-inversion, solving least squares problems, SVD. Fundamentals of signal theory: Shannon sampling theorem, orthogonal and biorthogonal signal expansions, and Fourier transform. Knowledge of wavelets and frames would be beneficial.

    Week 12 (3 hours)
    Contributor: Ian Sexton (1.5 hours)

    Title: The Human Visual System and Methods of Autostereoscopic Display

    Contents: Directional basics of stereoscopic vision and an analytical view of stereoscopy.

    Prerequisites: None.

    Contributor: Andreas Schilling (1.5 hours)

    Title: 3D Displays

    Contents: Depth perception, 3D displays: color multiplex, polarization multiplex, time multiplex, location multiplex, direction multiplex, multiple focal distances.

    Prerequisites: None.

    Weeks 13-14 (6 hours)
    Contributors: Ventseslav Sainov and Elena Stoykova (6 hours)

    Title: Holographic Display

    Contents: Fundamentals of holography and holographic 3DTV techniques. Brief Introduction to the theoretical basis and experimental techniques of the holographic process. Techniques for dynamic holographic recording. Digital methods in holography, hybrid and synthesized holograms for dynamic holographic displays. SLMs and DMDs for holographic displays. Applications of holographic 3D displays.

    Prerequisites: Knowledge in basic optical phenomena, coherent optics, interference and diffraction of the light, lasers. Knowledge in organic and non-organic isotropic and non-isotropic light sensitive materials, photo-chemistry. Knowledge in complex analysis, special functions, Fourier analysis and transform methods, programming.

    Week 15 (3 hours)
    Contributors: Ventseslav Sainov and Elena Stoykova (1 hour)

    Title: Integral Imaging

    Contents: Integral imaging.

    Prerequisites: Geometrical and Fourier optics, human visual perception.

    Contributor: Ismo Rakkolainen (1 hour)

    Title: Volumetric Displays

    Contents: Volumetric imaging.

    Prerequisites: No specific coursework is required. Basic courses on virtual reality, 3D graphics etc. would provide useful background information.

    Contributor: Andreas Schilling (1 hour)

    Title: 3D Scene Acquisition Using Lidar and Time of Flight Methods

    Contents: LIDAR, principles, different types of operation, time-of-flight range imaging, photonic mixing devices.

    Prerequisites: None.

  • Synopsis
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    Last Modified: 25.03.2008
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